
autumn silkworm Learn more about autumn silkworm

  • How to raise silkworms in summer and autumn

    How to raise silkworms in summer and autumn

    The key factors for the success or failure of silkworm rearing in summer and autumn are leaf quality, climate and diseases and insect pests, followed by silkworm varieties, sericulture technology and equipment conditions. Therefore, in order to raise autumn silkworms well, we must carefully analyze the factors affecting the production of silkworms in summer and autumn, grasp the key points, grasp the time, and create.

    2020-11-08 Summer and autumn silkworm how to raise summer and autumn silkworm feeding nurturance failure key
  • Techniques for rearing autumn silkworms

    Techniques for rearing autumn silkworms

    1. The characteristics of autumn silkworm period most of the mulberry cutting patterns in our city are spring fist cutting, with less spring leaves and more autumn leaves, which provides sufficient feed for the rearing of autumn silkworms. At the same time, the temperature was higher in the early stage and lower in the later stage, which was suitable for the physiological requirements of silkworm. Therefore, the root

    2020-11-08 Culture autumn silkworm technology one autumn silkworm period characteristics
  • Key points of rearing large silkworm in autumn

    Key points of rearing large silkworm in autumn

    The main reason for instable production of silkworm in autumn is silkworm disease. With the increase of silkworm rearing times, the number of pathogens increased, the spread area increased, the virus was fresh and reproduced quickly, and the pathogenicity was high. If the silkworm rooms and silkworm tools are not disinfected thoroughly, the management of rearing is relaxed, and the silkworm is in a bad environment of high temperature and humidity or high temperature and dryness in autumn, the mulberry leaves are poor in quality, and the silkworm disease resistance is weak. These are the main reasons for the outbreak of silkworm diseases in autumn. 1. Strengthen disinfection to prevent diseases and eliminate the source of diseases. Effective measures to prevent silkworm diseases are disinfection and elimination.

  • The key to how to raise silkworms well

    The key to how to raise silkworms well

    Sericulture in China has a history of hundreds of years, in ancient times, people began to grow mulberry and sericulture, and China's silk industry has been developing well since ancient times, so our experience and technology in sericulture are very rich. Below

    2020-11-08 How to raise silkworms well the key is to raise sericulture in our country.
  • Let you raise silkworms in summer and autumn at ten o'clock.

    Let you raise silkworms in summer and autumn at ten o'clock.

    I think we are still very familiar with silkworms. Sericulture has a history of thousands of years since ancient times. In ancient China, some people have planted mulberry and sericulture, so we should pay attention to certain techniques and skills in the process of sericulture. Let you have summer and autumn at ten o'clock

    2020-11-08 Ten o'clock let you summer and autumn raise silkworms for silkworms I think everyone
  • Techniques of autumn silkworm culture

    Techniques of autumn silkworm culture

    Techniques of autumn silkworm culture

  • Pay attention to ten points of sericulture in summer and autumn

    Pay attention to ten points of sericulture in summer and autumn

    When it comes to silkworms, we are no stranger. I think many people, like editors, had the experience of sericulture when they were young, but at that time we were raising silkworms for fun, as a kind of good memories of childhood. But many people have to make a fortune by sericulture.

    2020-11-08 In summer and autumn sericulture pay attention ten o'clock speaking of silkworms in fact everyone it is not
  • Matters needing attention of sericulture in summer and autumn

    Matters needing attention of sericulture in summer and autumn

    Sericulture in China has been a thousand years of culture and history, so our country can be regarded as a large country with rich experience in sericulture. The matters needing attention in each season and stage of sericulture are different. Therefore, breeders should first understand the living habits of silkworms.

    2020-11-08 Sericulture in summer and autumn points for attention in our country
  • Tips for sericulture in rural areas

    Tips for sericulture in rural areas

    I think we are quite familiar with silkworms, many children usually like to raise and play, sericulture farmers have accumulated a lot of useful practical experience in daily sericulture production, and now introduce several tips on sericulture in rural areas for reference by sericulturists. Sericulture in rural areas

    2020-11-08 Sericulture sericulture rural areas small tricks for silkworms
  • The law of cocooning in silkworm spinning

    The law of cocooning in silkworm spinning

    The life of silkworm goes through four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The larval stage of silkworm is called the stage of silkworm baby. Sericulture usually refers to the rearing of larvae. The larvae go through four molting times from hatching to cocooning. As a result, the process of the larva is divided into five instar stages. For a period of time before molting, silkworms do not eat or move, which is called sleeping. From the first to the fourth instar, the silkworm sleeps four times, and the fifth instar silkworm no longer sleeps in the later stage, but forms a cocoon and pupates in the cocoon, thus completing the larval stage of the silkworm. The newly hatched silkworm is called ant silkworm, which has just molted its skin.

  • Rearing methods of male silkworm and big silkworm

    Rearing methods of male silkworm and big silkworm

    1. New hybrid varieties of male silkworm (1) variety characters. Qiuhua × Ping 30, a new autumn male silkworm variety bred by the sericulture Research Institute of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has the advantages of strong physique, uniform sleep of all ages and easy rearing. The number of ants per gram is about 2310, and the 5th instar passes through 6 days and 18 hours. After 22 and a half days, the two-day hatching rate is 49.34%, the silk length is about 1240 meters, the cocoon shape is oval, large and uniform, the cocoon color is white, and the cocoon shell rate and silk emergence rate are high. (2) the main points of feeding and breeding techniques. The ant harvester is sensitive to light.

  • Rearing method of male silkworm and big silkworm

    Rearing method of male silkworm and big silkworm

    1. New hybrid varieties of male silkworm (1) variety characters. Qiuhua × Ping 30, a new autumn male silkworm variety bred by the sericulture Research Institute of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has the advantages of strong physique, uniform sleep of all ages and easy rearing. The number of ants per gram is about 2310, and the 5th instar passes through 6 days and 18 hours. After 22 and a half days, the two-day hatching rate is 49.34%, the silk length is about 1240 meters, the cocoon shape is oval, large and uniform, the cocoon color is white, and the cocoon shell rate and silk emergence rate are high. (2) key points of feeding and rearing techniques the photosensitivity of collecting ants can be properly compared with that of the general public.

  • Mulberry planting and sericulture techniques

    Mulberry planting and sericulture techniques

    Planting mulberry and sericulture has been on the rise in ancient China. It can be said that our country is a big silk country. Our silk is not only produced and sold by ourselves, but even exported to foreign countries. For so many years, silk has been in a state that supply exceeds demand. Therefore, the market for sericulture

    2020-11-08 Mulberry planting and sericulture technology mulberry planting in our country
  • Nutritional formula for feeding silkworms in summer and autumn

    Nutritional formula for feeding silkworms in summer and autumn

    The main feed of silkworm is mulberry leaf. Because the quality of mulberry leaf varies greatly in different seasons, it has a great influence on the yield and quality of cocoon. If the summer and autumn silkworms are fed with nutrition, the yield can be increased by 10% to 20%. The formula technology is introduced as follows: 1. Formula and feeding method of feeding agent. ① glucose solution additive. During the silkworm rearing period, if there is continuous overcast and rainy weather, the texture of mulberry leaves is tender due to lack of light, the moisture content is high, and carbohydrates are reduced. At this time, the picked mulberry leaves can be sprayed with 5% glucose solution and fed to silkworms after drying.

  • Nutrition formula of silkworm in summer and autumn

    Nutrition formula of silkworm in summer and autumn

    The main feed of silkworm is mulberry leaf. Because the quality of mulberry leaf varies greatly in different seasons, it has a great influence on the yield and quality of cocoon. If you add nutrition to the cultured summer and autumn silkworms, the yield can be increased by 10%. The formula technology is introduced as follows: first, the formula and feeding method 1, glucose solution additive. During the silkworm rearing period, if there is continuous overcast and rainy weather, the texture of mulberry leaves is tender due to lack of light, the moisture content is high, and carbohydrates are reduced. 5% glucose solution can be used to spray the picked mulberry leaves.

  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    Sericulture in China has a history of thousands of years. In ancient times, many people began to raise silkworms. It can be seen that the development prospect of sericulture is very good, otherwise it would not have been continued to this day. How to raise silkworms and put it in a cardboard box or sieve it?

    2020-11-08 How sericulture in our country sericulture has been good thousands of
  • Mastering six major measures can improve cocoon quality.

    Mastering six major measures can improve cocoon quality.

    The poor quality of cocoon is directly related to the silk yield. The average silk yield of fresh cocoons in China has been maintained at about 11% for many years, while that in Japan is 19%. The reason is that apart from the influence of cocoon harvesting and drying technology and silk reeling process, the key lies in the cocoon quality.

    2020-11-08 Master good six measures energy improve cocoon quality
  • Methods and matters needing attention of sericulture

    Methods and matters needing attention of sericulture

    The lovely appearance of the baby silkworm is deeply loved by the children. it is a very interesting process to watch the baby silkworm grow up and cocoon into a silkworm moth. So what are the methods of sericulture? What are the precautions? Next, let's study together. Each stage

    2020-11-08 Sericulture methods and matters needing attention silkworm baby but love
  • Skillfully eliminate silkworm sand silkworm disease

    Skillfully eliminate silkworm sand silkworm disease

    Silkworm sand not only hides the pathogen of serious disease, but also is the breeding and spreading place of many kinds of silkworm disease bacteria, such as Bombyx mori, Bombyx mori, Bombyx mori and so on. Some data show that after 15 days of placing the infected silkworm sand in spring silkworm, if exposed to mulberry leaves, the incidence of midgut type serious disease of silkworm eating the mulberry leaves can reach 75%; after 1 day of placing the infected silkworm sand in late autumn, if it comes into contact with mulberry leaves, the incidence of midgut type serious disease of silkworm eating the mulberry leaves can reach 60%, and its incidence rate can reach 100% after 7 days. Therefore, in the daily feeding process,

  • It takes 600 kilograms of mulberry leaves to raise a silkworm egg.

    It takes 600 kilograms of mulberry leaves to raise a silkworm egg.

    It takes 600 kilograms of mulberry leaves to raise a silkworm egg.
